
Data-Driven Decision Making Frameworks

Definition updated on November 2023

What are data-driven decision making frameworks?

The process of applying data insights to guide important decisions is known as a data-driven decision-making framework. Businesses frequently rely on BI systems to develop, share, and motivate action from data insights, frequently in the form of data visualizations. This method allows firms to make judgments that are based less on intuition or past experience and more on the possibility that something similar will occur in the future. The ability for businesses to make decisions more quickly, affordably, and accurately thanks to data-driven decision-making has completely changed how businesses operate. Companies that are at the forefront of their industries and reaping the greatest rewards from data-driven decision-making do so by enabling self-service analytics so that every decision can be supported by data-driven insights, regardless of whether it is made by an employee on the front lines, in the back office, or in the boardroom. Every industry may benefit from data-driven decision-making, which can also raise operational effectiveness and profitability for businesses.