Allegro Product
Allegro Product

Allegro Product API

Extract product details from Allegro, Poland's leading e-commerce platform, for insightful market analysis.
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1 request = 2 credits
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Product URL

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How Piloterr's Allegro Scraper Revolutionizes Data Collection from E-Commerce Platforms

The world of e-commerce is rapidly evolving, and with it, the need for sophisticated data collection tools is more prominent than ever. Enter Piloterr's Allegro Scraper, a cutting-edge solution that is transforming the way businesses gather vital information from one of Europe's leading online shopping platforms,

Unveiling the Allegro Scraper by Piloterr stands out as one of the most popular online shopping platforms in Poland and holds the distinction of being the largest e-commerce platform of European origin. Piloterr's Allegro Scraper is designed to seamlessly extract comprehensive data from this bustling marketplace.

Key Features of the Allegro Scraper

The Allegro Scraper by Piloterr boasts an array of features that cater to diverse data extraction needs:

  1. Extraction of Product Data: It efficiently gathers details like product title, price, shipping costs, images, ratings, reviews, seller information, purchase numbers, product condition, and available units.
  2. Two Operational Modes: Depending on user requirements, the scraper can operate in 'Simple Results' mode for speed and cost-efficiency, or 'Detailed Results' mode for more comprehensive data, including reviews.
  3. Flexible Output Formats: The extracted data can be downloaded in various formats like JSON, CSV, Excel, HTML, and XML, catering to different data analysis needs.
  4. Integration Capabilities: A significant advantage of using Piloterr's scraper is its ability to integrate with various cloud services and web applications, enhancing the utility and applicability of the extracted data.
Example Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <token>' \
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GRAFIT, ANTRACYT</p><p>RAL 9005 - CZARNY- POŁYSK LUB MAT</p><p>RAL 6005 - ZIELONY</p><p>RAL 8017 - BRĄZOWY</p><p>LUB INNY</p>" }, { "url": "", "size": { "width": 350, "height": 232 }, "type": "IMAGE", "thumbnails": [ { "size": { "width": 350, "height": 232 }, "type": "s360" } ] } ] }, { "items": [ { "type": "TEXT", "content": "<p><b>Wykonujemy obejmy na słupek:</b></p>\n<p><b>30x30, 40x40, 45x45,50x50, 60x60, 70x70, 80x80, 100x100, 120x120 lub inne</b></p>\n<p><b>30x50, 40x50, 60x40, 60x40 odwrotne, 60x20, 60x30, 70x50, 80x40, 80x60, 100x60, 100x80 lub inne</b></p>\n<p><b>fi 32, fi 34, fi 35, fi 36, fi 38, fi 40, fi 42, fi 45, fi 46, fi 48, fi 50, fi 51, fi 52, fi 55, fi 56,fi57, fi 58, fi 60, fi 65, fi 68, fi 70, fi 75, fi 76, fi 80, fi 85, fi 90, fi 100 lub inne</b></p>" } ] }, { "items": [ { "url": "", "size": { "width": 1200, "height": 1599 }, "type": "IMAGE", "thumbnails": [ { "size": { "width": 270, "height": 360 }, "type": "s360" }, { "size": { "width": 540, "height": 720 }, "type": "s720" }, { "size": { "width": 768, "height": 1024 }, "type": "s1024" }, { "size": { "width": 1080, "height": 1440 }, "type": "s1440" } ] }, { "type": "TEXT", "content": "<h1>WYKONUJEMY CEOWNIKI POD RÓŻNE WYMIARY PŁYT BETONOWYCH</h1><h2>Wycena telefoniczna - numer telefonu w zakładce\" o sprzedającym\"</h2><h2>lub mailowa</h2><p>Po podaniu wymiaru płyty betonowej.</p><p>Wykonujemy ceowniki&nbsp;<b>na płytę o wymiarach</b>:</p><p><b>30</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>200</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>30</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>250</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>30</b>&nbsp;mm x<b>&nbsp;300</b>&nbsp;mm</p><p><b>40</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>200</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>40</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>250</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>40</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>300</b>&nbsp;mm</p><p><b>50</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>200</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>50</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>250</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>50</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>300</b>&nbsp;mm</p><p><b>60</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>200</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>60</b>&nbsp;mm x<b>&nbsp;250</b>&nbsp;mm,&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>60</b>&nbsp;mm x&nbsp;<b>300</b>&nbsp;mm</p><p>lub inne.</p>" } ] }, { "items": [ { "type": "TEXT", "content": "<p>WYSYŁKAGLS</p>" } ] }, { "items": [ { "type": "TEXT", "content": "<h1>AKCESORIA DO MONTAŻU PANELI OGRODZENIOWYCH</h1><p>- OBEJMY POD WYMIAR SŁUPKA</p><p>- ZAPINKI DO MONTAŻU PANELA DO RAMY BRAMY LUB FURTKI</p><p>- DYSTANSY (PLASTIKI)</p><p>- NAKRĘTKI ZRYWALNE A2</p><p>- ŁĄCZNIKI DO MONTAŻU BEZPOŚREDNIO PANELA Z PANELEM A2</p><p>- AVOCLIP A2</p><p>- ZAŚLEPKI - RÓŻNE RODZAJE</p><p>- CEOWNIKI DO MONTAŻU PŁYT BETONOWYCH</p>" }, { "url": "", "size": { "width": 350, "height": 262 }, "type": "IMAGE", "thumbnails": [ { "size": { "width": 350, "height": 262 }, "type": "s360" } ] } ] } ] } }, "installments": null, "selling_mode": { "tax": null, "cart": null, "auction": null, "buy_now": null, "restricted": null, "advertisement": { "price": { "amount": "6.00", "currency": "PLN", "before_exchange": null }, "price_prefix_label": null }, "one_click_buy": null }, "view_counter": null, "product_series": null, "parameters_groups": { "title": "Parametry", "groups": [ { "icon": null, "name": null, "parameters": [ { "id": null, "name": "Faktura", "values": [ { "id": null, "url": null, "value_label": "Wystawiam fakturę VAT" } ] } ], "description": null } ] }, "assortment_category": { "id": "258984", "name": "Pozostałe" }, "assortment_category_path": [ { "id": "954b95b6-43cf-4104-8354-dea4d9b10ddf", "name": "Allegro" }, { "id": "4bd97d96-f0ff-46cb-a52c-2992bd972bb1", "name": "Firma i usługi" }, { "id": "258972", "name": "Usługi" }, { "id": "258984", "name": "Pozostałe" } ] }, "price": "6.00", "route": "", "title": "Metody płatności", "erotic": false}
$2.72 = 1,000 requests
18,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
7 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email support
$2.48 = 1,000 requests
40,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
10 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email support
$2.26 = 1,000 requests
110,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
15 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email & chat support
$2.17 = 1,000 requests
230,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
20 credits per second
Clean & parsed data
Chat & Email support
$1.88 = 1,000 requests
530,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
30 credits per second
Clean & parsed data
Account manager
Custom CPM price
Custom credits count
Custom requests rate
Clean & parsed data
Account manager
2,50€ = 1,000 requests
18,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
7 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email support
2,23€ = 1,000 requests
40,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
10 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email support
2,08€ = 1,000 requests
110,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
15 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Email & chat support
2,00€ = 1,000 requests
230,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
20 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Chat & Email support
1,73€ = 1,000 requests
530,000 credits
1 credit = standard API request
2 credits
= JS rendering API request
30 requests per second
Clean & parsed data
Account manager
Custom CPM price
Unlimited requests
Custom requests rate
Clean & parsed data
Account manager

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Sign up now and enjoy 50 free API credits + full access to our premium endpoints!

"With Piloterr, testing an idea has gone from a few days to a few hours 🤯 The apis are super stable, respond quickly, they take care of proxies / infra...and are super responsive and add new APIs regularly based on our needs. It's a dream! Thanks guys!"

La Growth Machine

Brice, CEO

"Piloterr offers a great set of APIs to retrieve companies and profiles data. Endpoints are well documented, responses are fast and there is great support if needed (way better than rapidapi by the way)! A really good job from the Piloterr team! Continue the good work guys!"


Alexandre, CEO Mantiks

"Thanks to Piloterr for handling our use-cases professionally"


Raphael, CEO

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our products & services.

Are Piloterr solutions secured and GDPR compliant?

We have implemented industry-standard security measures to ensure the safety of your data. Our platform uses SSL encryption to protect your API requests. We're also fully aligned with GDPR and CCPA compliance standards.

How frequently are new APIs added, can I suggest new ones?

We are always adding new APIs to our platform based on customer demand and emerging technologies. If you have a specific API you would like us to add, please contact our support team and let us know.

Can I upgrade, downgrade and cancel anytime?

Active plans can be upgraded, downgraded and cancelled anytime. Changes are immediate. When changing plan, the remaining unused requests of your current plan are added from your next invoice amount.

What is your cancellation policy?

We understand that things change. You can cancel your plan at any time and we’ll refund you the difference that you already paid (annual subscriptions only and under the terms described here).

Do my unused credits rollover to the next month?

Your monthly subscription restarts with your monthly allowance of successful search credits on the first day of your billing cycle's subscription.

Do you offer technical support for users?

Yes! We are always happy to help users to be able to use our API! You can chat us and we'll try and get back to you within a single business day.

How credits API calls are calculated?

Only successful requests are counted towards your monthly searches. Errored and failed searches are not. For the credit system, please consult our documentation.

Can I request custom API endpoints?

Of course! We are always expanding our code and building new APIs for different search engines. You can create a feature request on our Roadmap. We aren't able to build APIs for every websites for a variety of reasons but we do always make additions where they are needed and able to be done.