Web Scraping for Recruitment

Web Scraping for Recruitment

Due to the increased use of data in decision-making, the Human Resources (HR) sector is going through a significant transition. The untapped data gold mine that many HR departments are sitting on encompasses everything from recruitment data to career advancement data to training data to absenteeism statistics to productivity statistics to competency profiles to staff satisfaction data. Additionally, with the growing adoption of data extraction technologies, HR teams can now mine and analyze external data sources like job boards and social media profiles for crucial insights that can be used to enhance decision-making, create a happier workplace, streamline processes, and increase the value of the company.It makes sense to have an automatic web data feed in your toolkit for sourcing, however, we are aware that some online job or candidate listings are duplicated, dirty, or out of date. To gain a competitive edge, you need an organized database with cleaned and enhanced data.

Scenario web recruitment scraping
Simple scenario with Piloterr API

Identifying the talent your business needs to succeed is crucial, but it can be tiresome and time-consuming.

There are numerous organizations and personnel to locate, as well as numerous databases to search. Fortunately, some of the job can be automated using scrapers. Find the most pertinent job posts quickly and affordably by using the data scraping technique. Individual job seekers can use it to gather all the details they require about a business or organization. This strategy is also used by businesses and organizations to identify the occupations that are in demand on the job market, the skills required, the salary range for suitable candidates, etc.Data can be extracted from a variety of sources, including websites, job boards, and social media. After the data has been retrieved, it can be analyzed with a variety of analytical methods to determine the kind of individual who would be most effective in the role. Constant data analysis is a basic procedure that aids in decision-making and increases business productivity. You may look up information quickly and effectively with web scraping techniques.

  • Employers in the target industries
  • Businesses
  • Particular items of interest

Consider the situation where you must locate a C++ developer with 10 years of expertise, a portfolio, numerous projects on GitHub, and who is actively seeking employment.

You must first identify all possible employees who are unemployed in order to accomplish this. Services like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster are appropriate for this. A scraper can be used to crawl search results, which can then be compiled into useful tables for subsequent analysis. Consider a scenario in which we were just concerned with the last name, profile link, career history, current job availability, and GitHub connection.Furthermore, all of this data can be acquired automatically, which is the best part. Furthermore, you can discover a lot about an employee if you already have such data.

Look For the Most Qualified Candidates

Make a decision as to how you will receive this knowledge before obtaining it. There are numerous ways to automatically receive such data:

  • Buying pre-made bases that meet certain requirements. It is important to keep in mind, though, that you frequently have to purchase these databases, and there aren't always assurances that they're accurate or comprehensive.
  • Using scraping equipment that is already constructed. You may choose what data will be scraped using this option, and it is less expensive than the previous one, but it is less versatile. Consequently, they might not be able to work on sites with intricate buildings.
  • Creation of a brand-new data collection application from scratch. But after that, you'll need to use a variety of IP blocking defences, hunt for proxies, link captcha-solving services, and do a lot more.
  • Using web scraping APIs, develop an internal architecture for data collection that helps to address all of the issues that are common to web scraping, as mentioned in the preceding section.

For the purpose of selecting the best alternative, it is important to grasp their benefits and drawbacks. The simplest and most expensive solution is to buy new bases. Additionally, you are not the only one who delivers the data that has been obtained. Therefore, your data may be sold many times. Additionally, their relevancy is called into question.

Benefits of the web scraping on the recruitment
Benefits of the web scraping on the recruitment

Using pre-made scraping tools is a less flexible but less expensive option. Data can typically only be obtained in the format provided by the developers, which is not always handy.

Building your own application is a good option, but only for people with in-depth programming experience or a team of analysts and programmers. The benefit is that nobody will be dependent on the application, though. If that is the case, the issue of locks being bypassed appears.

The final approach is to set up an internal infrastructure for job scavenging. It is the best option that enables you to obtain current data at a reasonable price without having to worry about proxies or banning.

What Are The Most Effective Methods For Recruiting From The Web?

Businesses can use best practices, which include the following, to make the most of web scraping capabilities in the hiring process:

  • There are a large number of employment websites and platforms available today, but some offer a wider range of opportunities than others, while others may be more position-specific. For instance, GitHub and Stack Overflow are more focused on programming and tech positions, but LinkedIn and Indeed have a large database for all types of positions around the world.
  • Updates to candidate pools are made often; currently, there are almost 15 million job opportunities and 35,000 skills advertised on LinkedIn alone. In order to maintain the talent pools current, it is crucial to regularly crawl employment websites.
  • Checking if a website enables bot scraping is vital to avoid legal problems. For example, in the case of LinkedIn v. hiQ Labs, hiQ violated the LinkedIn User Agreement, which expressly forbids automated access and scraping.

Best Recruitment Advice

How To Identify Outstanding Talent

Top talent must be attracted if a firm is to succeed and expand. Most employers will concur that it is equally as difficult and crucial to find the greatest employees. Because of this, businesses should start utilizing the untapped potential of web-scraped recruitment data rather than waiting for the ideal employee to appear out of thin air.

Does Your Area Suffer From A Skills Gap?

Many jobs don't require you to be in a particular place in order to perform them. For instance, software developers can perform their duties from any location as long as they have access to the required technology and tools. Many additional work roles fall within this category as well. However, many businesses will still look for employees who live (or are willing to live) close to the "office" and who are available five days a week. An increasing number of businesses are implementing the dispersed smart/remote workforce model to address this issue. Web scraping is an outstanding tool for training hiring teams to understand how to find top prospects outside of their own network or region.

Web scraping is a method of gathering data about possible candidates from a variety of sources that entails utilizing software to scrape data at scale from job advertisements. Users can scrape job postings from a variety of internet sources, such as job boards, social media sites, and firm career pages, using web scraping software. Recruitment teams may quickly obtain information on job titles, credentials, and other pertinent details for possible candidates using the job scraper.

Recruitment teams can gather insightful information about the job market and spot potential applicants this way that they might have otherwise overlooked. Additionally, by automating the data collection and organization process, web scraping can help to speed up the hiring process and save time.

Acquiring Talent and Promoting Employers

It makes sense to say that "great" employers are likewise "great" in luring top talent when discussing "great" places to work. The "best" talent they can find will probably be screened out throughout their hiring procedure. Additionally, they are excellent at encouraging people to join their company as employees.

The capacity of an organization to attract talent depends on having a strong Employer Brand, but what does that actually mean?

As a business, you must make sure that potential employees have a great experience while considering working for your firm from the minute they begin their research.

  • The information that a candidate reads while learning about your business before applying should make them feel good.
  • And finally, the hiring process must be enjoyable for the candidate.
  • After the candidate accepts the job offer, they must have a good onboarding experience.
  • The final and most crucial need is that the candidate have a positive working experience.

Aside from the Job Specification in Your Advertisement

Be sure to convey the most crucial information in the job description:

  • Organizational Culture
  • Vision and Strategy

These ideas must be presented in a way that piques interest and inevitably draws applicants who are in line with our culture and vision. To ensure that your Job Description constantly ranks first in all search inquiries, you can use recruitment data scraped from the web to gain insight into the finest job titles for your jobs, job, and Values.

Make The Application Process Simple

Candidates may be discouraged from applying by a lengthy application form, particularly in a competitive market where it may be simpler to apply elsewhere. Therefore, keep things straightforward and establish a solid qualifying procedure that enables you to select the top prospects. You can easily obtain application forms or procedures used by competitors or the market using web data extraction, giving you a leg up on regional hiring trends.

React Immediately

What level of receptivity do you exhibit towards applicants who do respond? Every firm, including our own, should strive to do this better! Our main worry is this. We invest a lot of effort into positioning ourselves to attract talent, so we could do ourselves a disservice by not responding as effectively as we ought to in this situation. Looking at your Time to Hire KPI is always a good idea because talent acquisition teams need to move quickly to bring candidates on board. However, you shouldn't ignore the fact that, even as you successfully move candidates through a process, you should also promptly provide feedback to candidates who are not moving forward.

Engaging In Recruiting Agency Work

An excellent spot to find talent, but the same rules still apply. If you engage with recruitment agencies, be sure the partners you choose are knowledgeable about your industry and equally committed to upholding the reputation of your organization. They should be an expanded version of your talent acquisition team and yourself.

Your recruiting partners might be the initial point of contact for potential candidates, and with the use of software designed specifically for recruitment agencies, they will manage the applicant experience throughout this procedure. They must therefore receive a thorough explanation of the job duties and the peculiarities of the business. Recruitment firms find and sway talent, so take the time to choose a few important candidates who will best represent your company and collaborate with them as if they were a member of your team.

Future Trends in Recruitment

Automation, talent pooling technologies, and new applicant engagement approaches will revolutionize the process of finding and employing exceptional talent in the future. You can use web-extracted recruitment data as a reliable source of information for job advertisements, candidate sourcing, salary levels, market insight, or competitive intelligence. This will help you make smarter hiring decisions in a job market that is becoming more and more competitive.

The extensive list of candidate data that was taken from the web will help recruiters locate candidates that are a better fit for the business. They will next concentrate on developing relationships and making sure the prospects have a positive experience throughout the hiring process.

A Contemporary Method For Recruiting Success Is Data Scraping

It has no more a secret that over 75% of businesses look at applicants' social media profiles before employing them, in addition to posting job openings on social media and enabling applicants to get in touch with decision-makers directly. Recruiters search for applicants on social media as well, but in these cases, the value of a role suggestion from a recruiter declines.

Because of this, you should always be one step ahead of the applicant while hiring. The solution is data scraping, which enables you to remain competitive and data-driven.

Why is Data Scraping Used in Recruitment?

To gather information on job openings or candidates, job scraping involves searching the internet for corporate pages, job boards, and recruiting firms. Since CV or job posting texts frequently lack a consistent language or structure, recruitment scraping works better if you are an SEO expert. Additionally, web job listings are frequently outdated, duplicated, or filthy. An up-to-date, logical dataset is required for recruiters in order to analyze such data in a relevant, trustworthy manner.

What Should Recruiters Do to Make the Most of This Significant Advantage?

Any form of job website can be crawled or scraped for data, which can then be used for analytics. By doing so, they can assess the likelihood that a specific circumstance will materialize in a specific region based on historical data trends. All are significant, pertinent, and have the potential to influence the findings of the study. Every tiny detail, similar to a day of the week. There should be clear job descriptions or other information that will influence a candidate's decision. In this way, web scraping can considerably help in optimizing the use of recruitment marketing resources.

The Best Web Scraping Tools for Recruiters to Use for Sourcing

One-Click Data Scraper

This choice is obvious if you already enjoy using Chrome. Free and simple to use, Instant Data Scraper is a Chrome plugin. Even beginners can understand this extension because it is so basic. The extension's ability to export data directly to Excel is a fantastic additional feature.

It works well for extracting straightforward pages but not for more complicated websites. This is most likely your best choice if you're searching for a straightforward extraction. You can visit the Chrome Store to download the extension. Before moving on to more advanced scraping, this is perhaps the simplest method for novices to acquire the feel of data scraping.

Recipe Creator + Data Miner

With this choice, you get two tools in one. Data miner is a free Chrome extension that exports data from websites to Excel or a CSV file, similar to the previous choice. Use Data miner combined with Recipe Creator, a different free Chrome extension, to make it even more effective. By doing this, "recipes" are created to specify the data you want.


If you want to focus all of your scraping efforts on LinkedIn, Dux-Soup is the best option. For good reason, it is the most popular tool for the social networking platform. The only one of the three options that isn't free offers a free trial so you can try it out before making a decision. You can browse or visit profiles using Dux-Soup to expand your network and generate leads. While scanning is quicker, it only provides the most basic data; visiting profiles will provide you with more information, such as degrees and complete job history. The distinction between visiting and scanning profiles is well explained on Dux-Soup's Medium page, where it is also advised that you consider your objective to help you choose which approach to use.

Web Scraper

A free alternative is a program called Web Scraper, which you can get here. Greg Hawkes gives this one his highest recommendation. You can create sitemaps with Web Scraper that will explore the website and extract the data. The Web Scraper will explore the website and extract various types of data, including text, tables, photos, links, and more, using various types of selectors. You may quickly export the data into a CSV file after you've scraped it. It is often extremely simple to use and is well-regarded by the sourcing community.


Another premium choice is ZAPInfo, which recently changed its name and added new features and capabilities. You may scrape user data from any website or social media platform using this extension tool. It offers a list of the persons it has located and assists in locating more details like contact details and other personal information. Once you've finished extracting all the data you need, you can import it right into your ATS or CRM. This program is an all-in-one design that incorporates data scraping, contact information discovery, and data exportation into an ATS/CRM/CSV file. At $40 per month for an individual, it's a bigger commitment, but it's worthwhile.